The Ship Show
In the reality show “The Ship Show,” Araw (Marco Gallo) reluctantly participates as a finalist. He is paired with Chia (Heaven Paralejo), and they compete against other couples to become the next big love team. Despite initial challenges and partner switches, Araw and Chia develop a strong bond. Meanwhile, Nestor (Thomas Rodriguez) and Tintin (Ashtine Olviga) emerge as frontrunners, but their relationship is threatened by Belline’s (Angelic Guzman) actions. Chia’s parents intervene to protect her, and Araw realizes he must support her. In the end, Nestor and Tintin win the show, but Araw and Chia remain together and continue pursuing their dreams.
All eyes are on Vivamax Queen Angeli Khang as she is being shared by not one, not two, but three hot leading men. Melaine can’t get enough with the two…
Manila-based real estate broker Dee returns to Bulusan, Sorsogon, for her grandmother Dulce’s 80th birthday. She re-acquaints with past schoolmate Edong, a seemingly unambitious and simple-minded coconut farmer. While starting…
Iris, an 18-year old virgin marries Joaquin, a rich widower, because of money. However, when he learns that Iris is not really a virgin, their honeymoon turns to a bloodbath.
When I Met You In Tokyo
Azon, a feisty and bubbly woman known for the generosity of her heart, meets Joey, a divorcee who still harbors the scars of his ex-wife’s infidelity in this romance-family drama…
Jas learns that his boyfriend has been cheating on her. He breaks up with her because she’s boring. So to prove him wrong, and just to continue to be with…
Doll House
A troubled lead singer of a rock band sets out to rekindle the relationship he never had with his long-lost daughter.
Home Service
A nursing student by day, massage therapist by night named Precious meets a client named Happy that leads her to the shady world of pornography.
Mira, the daughter of a mussel farmer who needs to fight a reclamation project. She would do everything to save their livelihood even if it means sacrificing her innocence.
Table for 3
Couple Paul and Marlon decide to jazz up their long-standing relationship by including the charismatic Jeremy as their third. The complexities of this new dynamic will reveal whether their bond…
Ang Kapitbahay
An edgy sexy thriller about an innocent college boy and the woman who would introduce him to manhood. Alex meets his new sultry neighbor, Rose, who awakens his sexual desire…
Rita, who finds herself alone when husband Ariel works abroad. They both find solace and sexual satisfaction in other people. When Ariel comes back, they both act like nothing happened….
The old Aguinaldo speaks from another time as he writes his memoirs of Bonifacio, the Katipunan, and the revolution. He has a strong urge to tell his side of the…
When a childless couple lets a pregnant woman inside their home, temptation starts to shake their once peaceful life.
A story about Laurene who wants to elevate her seven-year relationship with Conrad. When Easton comes inito the picture, she believes she is the perfect addition to their sexual relationship.
Family Matters
A story of a stroke-stricken father whose family members take turns in manning the caregiving department. As his condition worsens, his children and wife start to squabble among themselves as…
Dirty Ice Cream
Villagers are experiencing an extreme heat. Two hot ice cream vendors come to the village to sell ice cream. With electricity out, the women of the subdivision take turns having…
Package Deal
Aa story about a newlywed that receive a surprise guest that will eventually turn the couple’s world upside down.
ECQ Diary (Bawal Lumabas)
An upcoming movie starring Elizabeth Oropesa and Daria Ramirez
Wish You Were The One
A woman desperately trying to crash a wedding, in hopes of winning back her chef ex, finds luck when a man going to the same wedding is looking for someone…
The Other Wife
A wife believes her husband is having an affair. When a mysterious lady comes into the picture, she discovers something that will make her question her sanity.